Tuesday, July 31, 2012

HST are complete

Thanks to some help in pressing from Ms. Barbara, all the HST are completed and I will meet with Ms. s for layout arrangements tomorrow.    There is an end in site, just a glimpse..lol

Happy sewing

Five quilts

All the pieces are cut and sewn into HST and the pressing begins tonight.  Then I can get with Ms. S and the designing of blocks can begin.  I have a plan to be completely finished with all five by the end of August.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Well I am in the mist of making 5 yes 5 small quilts for a friend out of her Dad's old shirts for the grands to have just a little something to remember him by. I think I might be a pro at ripping shirts apart before long.....lol.

Pictures will follow once I get the blocks sewn together. Hopefully that will happen in the next two weeks.

I need to get these finished so I can move onto a black and white project that needs to be started and finished by October. Plus a merry go round quilt in progress and a serendipity quilt in progress.

Working sure gets in the way of my quilting..

Happy quilting


Friday, July 6, 2012

New blog for Pickle Patch Quilter's

This is a new blog for the Pickle Patch Quilter's in the Hatfield Arkansas area. We will post pictures and progress as we go along. Happy Quilting. Angela