Friday began with my DH mowing the yard, cutting up and hauling downed limbs from the snow storm back in December all before I got home. My father-in-law had our chainsaw..same chainsaw he was using when he rolled himself up in the tree three weeks ago and ended up in ICU for two weeks he is in hospital rehab now--needless to say we have removed all his
Saturday DH finished he yard and it is beautifully manicured. It was then time for us to cut a tree down at the church it was beautiful tulip tree but it was growing into the foundation of he church and had to go. When we finished cutting the tree up and hauling all he limbs in preparation for a possible end of school bonfire for youth. Back home for lunch and more work I raked leaves in and around the dog pen and house, this has not been done at all since last spring. I also dug up dirt and laid brick to extend the porch at the doggie door. In hopes of having less dirt and mud from coming inside. I'm hoping it works.
After all that we went to Spinelli's 4th Anniversary Crawfish Boil. This is an Italian restaurant but they serve everything. They have the best steaks and Chicken Parm....