Sunday, May 19, 2013

2013 Spring Retreat has come and gone. Here are a few photos.

This is Elizabeth's   She made six of these since October. 
This one is Ann's. family quilt. 
Lea Ann's school house

Peggy's my blue heaven
Barbara J's retreat project. Stacked Bricks. 
This is Lea Ann's bag.  We all wanted it.
And I finally finished my project from a previous retreat.  Serendipity. This is the small one and the large was finished too.  

I was so busy admiring the projects I forgot to take many pictures.  Shame on me I know.  But Miss Peggy was always with camera in hand so I will try to get them from her and post.

And if any others of you snapped so e photos please add them.

I want to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to Louise and Peggy for everything you do to put together our retreats. We only see a portion of how much work, time, and love you put into them.  THANK YOU..THANK YOU..THANK YOU

Next retreat in September.....I can't wait.  Maybe I can get my merry go round completed..hahahahahahaha   I can

Happy stitching....
