Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Just 3 more days

Can you believe it is just three more days to Retreat!  I can't.

I did finally start getting things together last night.  Yes I know I am procrastinating but I just can't decide what to work on.  I am taking my unfinished MerryGoRound to finish, I have two make that three more to put borders on so those are going, but what to "start on"?     I haven't figured out "who" is next.  I need fabric to complete Brothers Choice. I think I will take my bag of leaders and enders and start putting them together to see just how many I have.  These will need lots of trimming as my mother-in-love cut them hoping she could see to piece them, well she has macular degeneration and there is nothing straight or the same size on these, but I am going to use them anyway.  Maybe a quilt for dad he is always cold and it is worse since his accident.

Well unfortunately I have to go to work which means I gotta get moving.   The shower is calling my name....  Shower is fine work not so much..lol

Remember it is quilting night...see ya there.
