I have been absent from posting in quite some time. There has just been so much going on in my world I have barely sewn anything. As a matter of fact last Tuesday was my first sewing in about three weeks.
Since November, I have been sick with Flu A, Flu B, Bronchitis twice, Sinus infections, Racing/Fluttering heart.
Plus my father in love had an accident while cutting a tree. He has been in the ICU for over two weeks and was just brought "home" to the Hospital Rehab. Hopefully he will get stronger and be able to come home soon. He ended up with broken lower left leg, left femur (this had to have surgery and a rod put in), 5 left side ribs, left shoulder blade, broken smaller pieces from two vertebrae, and broken sternum which he had to have drain tube for the blood in his chest. And lacerations from the chainsaw hitting his left leg. My mother in love is legally blind and requires us and friends to chauffeur her around.
And on my birthday last Saturday my yorkie and I collided and I stepped on her right leg and broke it.. It was horrible, just hanging....the local vet was out of state so we ended up going two hours away to get it looked at and a temporary splint put on. This vet wanted $1200 to put a plate in her leg. I took her to the local vet and she is in a cast for 5 weeks ( much cheaper). And she isn't allowed to jump. So the dogs and I are sleeping on a twin mattress on the floor. Now let me tell you this girl is soaking up this spoiling like you wouldn't believe... I miss my bed... Just sayin'
Well back to sewing. Last Thursday, we had to move the date for last week, all the Ladies were busy. We had 11 there and many had beautiful show n tell. Like a dummy I did not take pictures... Maybe someone else did and will share... I did see a few things I plan to make very soon. But I was able to get the rows made and pinned for my flannel carpenter star quilt top... I plan to finish it tomorrow. Taxes and spend some time with my daughter and grandson took priority over sewing....
Happy sewing,