Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas.......

We spent yesterday at my Mom's for Christmas.  My kiddos were there and my four year old grandson.    We received the greatest gift of all from my son and daughter-in-love.......see photo.

This is their third pregnancy as the first two babies are with Jesus due to miscarriages.   This time Casey has already heard the heartbeat and things are going well, except for morning sickness, and the baby is due in August..   Prayers for a healthy pregnancy are always welcome..

Poppy Joey made a special gift for Cayden.  But Cayden was told it was a gift for Poppy and he had to help uncover it....Poppy made a riding horse for Cayden from wood.  I will post a picture as soon as I get them off my camera...Cayden was embarrassed and shy, he was a little confused....but he took to riding his horse and had a lot of fun with it....

Last year we started doing Dirty Santa.  Always fun for us big kids....

I pray each of you have a wonderful celebration of Jesus birth, enjoy your families, and have a great time playing with your fabrics........I'm off to bind a quilt.....