Friday, November 30, 2012

Easy Street Part 2 is up...

Bonnie Hunter has posted the directions for part 2 of the Easy Street Mystery.

I wish I had part 1 completed. That's ok I will get caught up. I will get caught up...

I do have to purchase more black on white... I got my quantities mixed up and I purchased 4 yards of grey.. Awe dang I guess I have to add it to my Oh well, now I get to shop some more...

I look forward to seeing everyone's progress on Bonnie's Monday Link Up..

Happy Sewing

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Angela. Linking with Quiltville

I just realized that in all of my excitement of actually starting the new Bonnie Hunter's Easy Street Mystery I failed to post the link to get back to her site..... So here it is.

This is going to be so much fun.  At least four of our group are participating and I have only seen one duplicate fabric...

It's off to work for me.

Happy Sewing,

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Barbara. Testing 123

Here's my Easy Street 4 patches!!! Yahoooooo

Sharon. Four patches

Sharon...Orca Bay

Angela invited me to contribute to this blog of ours. I am even newer to blogging than she is so we will see how this goes. I started working on the mystery on Saturday and have most of the little 4-patches done. So much fun.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Angela.... Easy Street part 1

Well, I have the strip sets sewn together and pressed.  Now to start sub-cutting them..   

I have 21 four patches made.   Yay me.

You have no idea what progress this is for me...LOL

Happy Sewing,


Angela...calling other Pickle Patch Quilter's to start blogging here...

I am so new to the blogging thing..  But I want to invite the other Pickle Patch Quilters to join in on the blog.  Just let me know which email address to send the invite to.

For me I am starting Bonnie Hunter's new mystery project.  Hope y'all will join in on the fun.  And yes, Sharon,  I am afraid of big numbers..  But I am determined to do this Fabric is purchased and the cutting begins today.

Happy sewing,


Angela's Easy's a mystery

I completed my fabric shopping yesterday and I am ready to begin cutting and sewing. Here are my colors...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Next project

My next project to complete is the binding on the wall hanging for the grandson. I am going to machine sew it via Pat Sloan instructions. If it doesn't work out it is okay, this is just a panel that I practiced machine quilting on.. Boy does it look rough. But I was learning.

And the niece's quilt is finished. Yay!

Finished the binding tonight. Boxed it up and forgot to take a picture of it finished. Will do that tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My progress

Well I just did a mental inventory of what I have accomplished so far this year.  So here goes.

Six star quilts from shirts

Binding to go
A nine patch for a niece.. I have binding attached, ready for hand sewing.
Wall hanging for grandson...still to have binding added

Tops completed
Red heaven for a niece
Bright scrappy heaven for ?????  I haven't decided yet.

Tops in progress
Two tops made from Serendipity
Merry go round

Neutrals for a brother.. I have 2.5 strips but I am not sure what design I will use.  I may just do a variation for a 1600 jelly roll.

Fortunately or maybe it is unfortunately I have to go to work.  Not on quilting but to that place that pays for quilting...  I'd rather be sewing....

Happy sewing and God bless


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It is Tuesday. And an evening of quilting.

Well it is Election Day and we hope you will exercise your rigt to VOTE.  We will be spending our evening quilting. And possible listening in for results.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Guess What..

I finished the quilting on the matching shirt quilts.  All six of them.  Now to get the binding on and sewn down.  I have a busy week ahead of me.

Happy sewing.