Thursday, May 15, 2014

May Retreat & More

The May 2014 retreat has come and gone.   How fast time passes when we are having such a good time.  Thanks to everyone for everything that was done to help our retreat be a success.  Sharon J. "officially" opened the retreat with a touching invocation - it's good to have God's blessing on our gathering.  Congrats to Angela (winner of the Blue Hawaii Ocean strips) and Sammey (winner of the Charming Patches contest).  Penny won the miniature 1930s Butterfly Quilt.   Several completed their "Breeze" quilt tops using McCall's "Blue Breeze" Pattern.  Kudos to Penny for competing her "Folk Art" quilt top.  I know there were others who were able to get a lot of work done on their projects as well - good for you!  Angela & Sharon did a great job with the "Easy Angle" demo.  It was helpful to me to have Becky and Susan assist with the contests.  Sherry was a bell ringer/door prize distributor extraordinaire!   Sheila was "wonder woman" in the kitchen - Having her on board made a huge difference to me.  I didn't go home with achy swollen feet this time!
 I hope some of our missing Pickles will be back with us in the fall. It's nice to have new quilters but we do miss the old when they are unable to join us.  Our fall planned activities include a neutral "Layer Cake" fabric exchange (be sure to sign up by June 7th), a Mystery Quilt, and....a Paint Chip Challenge!   I think I know at least one of the fabrics I will use for my Mystery Quilt but will have to give the paint chip challenge a lot more thought.  I hope you all have fun with this.  I can hardly wait to see what everyone comes up with and how they use their paint chip colors.

It was so good that Peggy was able to join us for lunch Saturday and for a while after that.  This past Monday she returned to Baton Rouge to be with her daughter.  I do not have word yet as to when Debbie will begin treatments at M.D. Anderson in Houston.  I know Peggy will appreciate your continued prayers as they go through this difficult time.

Thanks to everyone for being a part of our Pickle Patch and for my special gift!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

I just wanted to wish all of the Moms and Moms to be a Happy Mother's Day. 

I hope your day is filled with family and fun. And maybe a little sewing. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May Retreat

As always we had a great retreat with wonderful food and fellowship and best of all friendship old and new. 

I only took a couple photos with my phone. I will post more once I upload my camera. 
This is Sharon's Pink Breeze
This is Susan's Patriotic Breeze. 
And Peggy's Quilt Shop Brick made by Annie Louise.  As you all know Peggy always has everything we have all forgotten to bring.  Thank you Peggy for always taking care of us. 

We missed some of our regulars this retreat but were very happy to meet some newbies. Glad y'all were able to come. 

Many of you may not know that Peggy's daughter has been very ill and will be going for treatments at MD Anderson. Please keep the family and Peggy in your prayers.  

It is a struggle when we are sick but much worse when it is our babies even if they are adults they are always our babies.