Cayden and I have had so much fun. We have talked, walked, blown a zillion bubbles, played with the dogs, jumped on the mini trampoline, played with trucks and rocks, played with the "wizard" the cat brought in, played in the creek, and I piggy backed him around our property. (The grass was almost taller them me.). And he helped cook dinner. Salmon patties and green beans. The boy can eat his weight in green beans.
He was pretty excited when Pop Pop got home from his trip. He ask if it was him each time we heard the sound of a car.
He has grown so in the last two/three weeks. And he is loving school (a teaching daycare).
Today, he goes home to mom and this Mimi will sure miss him. But he is excited because we are meeting Mom at Uncle Andrew and Aunt Casey's house. He just loves them so much and talks about them all the time.
It just amazes me how much a child soaks up an remembers. Seems like when my kiddos were this age I was so busy just trying to make ends meet as a single mom I missed so much if them growing and learning.
I do have to admit. I am sick of the word. WHY. I would be rich if I had a quarter for every time I have heard it in the last two days. Lol
Sewing will resume probably Monday. Today when we get home will be a day of rest. Much needed rest.
Sounds like one of the best kinds of weekends there are. There's nothing to compare with grand-kids. I figure grand-kids are our reward for surviving our own kids teen years. My mom used to say that mom's and their teenage kids disagree so much so that when the kids do leave home it doesn't hurt mom so much to see them go.